Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Adventure Begins

Yesterday we packed up the family vehicles and drove over the mountains into West Virginia. My parents are gone now and I'm (mostly) unpacked. Today I met with my boss, oriented myself with beautiful Marlinton, cooked a little, wasted a little time, and now I'm sitting at the kitchen table looking out on some beautiful old-growth forest mixed with farmland. The farthest ridge I can see is in Virginia.

Tomorrow I leave to do some publicity at the fiddle fest Clifftop. Monday it's Galax, where I'll get to see some of my family. In the next few weeks, I hope to have many friends come visit as they head back to school and I start to get settled. My landlady is wonderful. She just brought me some snap beans and blueberries from her garden. Bekah's Mosey is going to come live with me once we get things all settled here and there. Tomorrow I'm going to begin a year's service dedicated to helping eradicate poverty in Appalachia. I'll try not to get too idealistic or too jaded.

So, here it goes. Deep breath.


ephraim vause said...

Take another look at those trees. I'm betting that 99.999999 percent of the old growth forest around there got hauled away about 110 years ago.

Maggie said...

I think a lot of it is old growth given the elevation and how hard it would be to log up here. Also, if it's not, then it's a second-growth forest beginning to show some old-growth characteristics. Today I saw a newt that is typically only found in old-growth areas.